Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Marks, Running and Sitting on my ass eating chinese...

Long over do post here. Bad blogger. Bad bad blogger.

I got my marks for the second and third semesters, as suspected- I am getting my sheepskin. I'm not going to sit here and boast about my grades, because I think that would just be tacky- but suffice to say- I'm largely satisfied with my efforts, and feel that the marks reflected that effort accurately.

Next week I am running in the Dublin Marathon. I'm the picture of psychedness! We'll see if my time reflects the effort I've put in here too. I won't talk about the time I'm shooting for, because I could totally miss it and come in way over that time, which would make me just look stupid- but I'll post pics as soon as I get them.

My father and I used to watch his favorite show together on Tuesdays. Grumpy Gibbs and the Dead Marines show- also known as NCIS. I download the episodes and watch them on my computer, and I think my father would enjoy this season. I watch the episodes and think of him. We'd get Chinese Take out from Kum Jug Yeun, watch NCIS and argue about who did it. We'd always have it cracked by the 2nd commercial. Now on a different continent and a year later- I get my Chinese take out from Mars, watch NCIS and fondly remember our hashing out who did it and why before Gibbs gets his Gut Instinct.