Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Whack Jobs ahead...

I love Carolyn Parrish.
No really!
I think she’s the ultimate illustration of a successful democracy.

I mean think of it- she’s a loud mouth, blow hard whack job with crazy ideas that alienate others, don’t find a useful solution and she criticizes with out being constructive. She gets defensive and loses it when others question it and refuses to apologize when she’s in the wrong.

How many people are like that in Canada? 20%? 50%? 90%?? And now they have representation in Canada.

Ah yes! The Whack-job demographic finally has stepped into the 19th century and has representation for the Canadian Taxes they pay. Americans got on the boat in 1972 and elected Senator Jesse Helms (R- NC), and again in 2000 when electing George Bush. Wait a second… they did elect him didn’t they?

According to Whack-job pundit Michael Moore- they didn’t… Which Whack-job am I supposed to believe??? Oh- it’s so much easier in Russia and Israel where they’re too busy protecting themselves from terrorists to suffer through fools. Wait… Avigdor Lieberman and Vladimir Zhirinovsky… I stand corrected…

I guess finally we in Canada really are a world power- for we finally have whack-jobs in power- and we're in great company.

God Bless Democracy!

Now if we can only get China to elect a Whack-job we can have world harmony... Mao Tze-Tung! WHERE ARE YOU????

Love in the online world

A friend of mine recently professed that she's quitting online dating- and lamented that there was no daterette gum, or patch to help her withdrawl.

What the heck is with online dating anyways? Is it the mystery? Is it the games? I mean- it's not like you're actually building a connection with this person who is pixels on a screen is it?

I look at it as a functional tool- as a marketer- I know that in order to get qualified leads you have to get good exposure... you also have to practice effective online marketing- and online dating is just that... I guess in that way- speed dating is like a trade show...


ok- the friend that this is about... Yes- she is from online dating. I have never met her- she's just pixels on a screen as far as I know- but that doesn't make her any less human or any less of a friend.
I hope she feels better about everything soon- she's a sweet lady with a lot of love to give- and to any guy friends I have out there reading this- She's smokin' hot! ;) Tell me if you want a set up. No, Not you Arik- hands off!


Dear Diary,

I've never written a Diary before... and this whole Blogging thing... it just seems so.... geeky.

But- If you can't beat them- join them. so.... here I am- joining them. I expect my membership button and a coupon Book for subway in the mail to arrive in 3-6 weeks.

Speaking of Subway- I had their Chicken spinach salad today. It was Blow me away good! I was surprised!

I am currently in search of the perfect lunch salad... and the perfect woman, of course, but let's just take it one quest a time- although- I suppose running them both concurrently can have it's advantages- she could of course make me the perfect lunch salad :)
