Running Joke
Yesterday filled with energy and passion, I headed out for my weekend run. Recently- my runs have been longer and longer.
Now I've broken from my usual paths and head out to get lost.
Last week I headed into territory in East York. A notorious maze of Cull-de-sacs and dead ends, decorated with monster homes and leafy trees and luxury SUVs. As I was running along- I found myself lost (quell surprise!).
I asked a woman who seemed fairly comfortable with the area- she was decked out in a sun visor, a pair of very spiffy running shoes and a track suit and I said "Hey! I'm lost! Please help me get out of here."
She looked at her watch "Eight-thirty."
"Um- no- listen to me. I'm lost. I just need you to point how to leave this area and get back to the annex." She didn't have an answer- she just mumbled something indecipherable and walked away- so I called after her "Why won't you help me?" but she didn't look back.
So as I ran past her- she was walking in the direction I was running anyways- I asked "What's wrong with you?" which i thought was a perfectly valid question... Running time: 86 minutes.
Yesterday I was dropped off at Queen and Bathurst and I started running South to Lakeshore and the East. As I was running- I found a fellow who was basically goiong the same speed, so we ran together for about 30 minutes. I ran East along the Martin Goodman Trail until I got the Leslie Street Spit and then turned north and ran through the West Beaches and up to Victoria Park and Danfourth. Running time: 80 minutes.
Yesterday filled with energy and passion, I headed out for my weekend run. Recently- my runs have been longer and longer.
Now I've broken from my usual paths and head out to get lost.
Last week I headed into territory in East York. A notorious maze of Cull-de-sacs and dead ends, decorated with monster homes and leafy trees and luxury SUVs. As I was running along- I found myself lost (quell surprise!).
I asked a woman who seemed fairly comfortable with the area- she was decked out in a sun visor, a pair of very spiffy running shoes and a track suit and I said "Hey! I'm lost! Please help me get out of here."
She looked at her watch "Eight-thirty."
"Um- no- listen to me. I'm lost. I just need you to point how to leave this area and get back to the annex." She didn't have an answer- she just mumbled something indecipherable and walked away- so I called after her "Why won't you help me?" but she didn't look back.
So as I ran past her- she was walking in the direction I was running anyways- I asked "What's wrong with you?" which i thought was a perfectly valid question... Running time: 86 minutes.
Yesterday I was dropped off at Queen and Bathurst and I started running South to Lakeshore and the East. As I was running- I found a fellow who was basically goiong the same speed, so we ran together for about 30 minutes. I ran East along the Martin Goodman Trail until I got the Leslie Street Spit and then turned north and ran through the West Beaches and up to Victoria Park and Danfourth. Running time: 80 minutes.
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