Friday, July 29, 2005

This land is my land... *WHACK*

Why is everyone so upset about Hans Island?

Well- it's the summer, people are kinda sick of reading about the London Bombings and terrorism, reporters aren't stalking Karla Homolka and most everyone who mean to read Harry Potter already finished it.

But DAMNIT! The papers need to sell editions! The dailies need to manufacture their little dramas to engage the readers because for some, Whirlpool's bid for Maytag just doesn't cut it. I'm not a violent guy- but those papers sometimes just make me want to punch a Somali Immigrant in the face... Oops- looks like Roy Preston beat me to it.

I can see why Preston was so confused that he mistook a passerby as a serious threat. It's because when you spend enough time in the blue Uniform- say... 3 days- you become a cynical jaded bastard. Something inside you just dies and you begin to suspect that everyone is out to get you and every one is against you, and everyone is a scourge of society who you want to throw behind bars. I don't know whether the job is honestly so tough, or if being a police officer just attracts people who are assholes anyways, but either way- if you're a cop, chances are you're an asshole.

Thanks for protecting me from the criminals and terrorists, though, asshole.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's *MY* ice floe!

No dammit! that's *MY* ice floe!

Dude, no, I was just stopping by to use the bathroom!

But you stopped in UNANNOUNCED!

But no one lives on this godforsaken clump of frost!

Hey, well what about that polar bear?

Mine! MINE!

Actually, we were thinking of sending over the Quebec separatists... if you give them a good deal maybe they'll take this ol' iceberg and give you a good price...

Friday, July 29, 2005 8:59:00 p.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

Can't we just settle this with a nice chat over coffee and dani... er... coffee and freedom buns?

Friday, July 29, 2005 9:31:00 p.m.  

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