Friday, July 08, 2005

London Bridge is falling down

What a tragedy! The number of casualties is still climbing from the bombings in London transit yesterday. It's so interesting to see the different reactions of people.

One person immediately wanted to go into Lock down mode and use this tragedy as a reason why Canada needed a National ID card, Biometrics, and "more respect for Police and security". Then he started with the blame- and he thought it was Grad students and Culture Jammers who were responsible and that Adbusters is directly responsible and an affront to our liberty.

OK- crazy man. Keep talking...

When I pointed out that Al-Qaeda has taken responsibility for the bombings- not Adbusters- he called me "Racist" and "Cowboy." Using a tragedy for your own political motivations (in this case debunk the left) is just shameless.

Another friend he started to list reasons why the CIA is behind the bombings. Unfortunately none of them accumulated to evidence subject to logic.

And yet another friend- the Beady Eyed one- the immediate reaction from her was outrage!

I think it's interesting to see just how people react to these things. I think that people will act how they normal act- just do so in relation to the tragedy. The guy who has an axe to grind because he's a fascist punk and his sensibilities are offended by left wingers is LOOKING for a reason to blame those damn lefties. The Conspiracy theorist is looking for conspiracy to spin, and The Beady Eyed one is looking for a reason to be angry.

So- the big question is cause or effect! Are our brains wired for blame/suspicion/anger so that's our reaction to the world, or do we paint everything with our blame/suspicion/anger brush so that our context of experience makes sense of things better- or more specifically- so that we feel we are right and correct in how we view the world?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can anyone *not* be angry about these bombings. they're completely unjustified crimes against innocent people.

Saturday, July 09, 2005 2:50:00 a.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

I take it from your post that your initial reaction was anger- Do you think that the psychological imperative is a cause or effect?

Saturday, July 09, 2005 2:51:00 a.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

And the 'outraged predispositioned' folks out there- you're in awesome company! Some of my favorite people in the world are outraged!

Sunday, July 10, 2005 6:03:00 p.m.  

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