Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Yesterday was my birthday and I embarked on a new decade.

I am not longer in my 20s, and although it feels the same, in other ways I know it will never feel the same. My muscles hurt a little more during my more rigorous runs, and I have a little less hair. BUT- I have a spring in my step that I hope I never lose, and I'm told I won't, I have energy, and I am now getting the benefits of maturity- wisdom and confidence.

I see the kids today- I thought I would be all depressed about getting older, getting out of touch with pop culture, but to tell you the truth, I lost interest in it. It's not that it escapes me, it's that it just doesn't interest me. I have no idea who 50 cent is, and frankly, I don't care who he is. I know who Jane Jacobs and Malcolm Gladwell are- they're pop culture enough for me.

I don't want to chase 20 year old girls- besides the fact that Beady eyed friend would murder me, they don't have the wonderful experience and qualities I've grown to worship in girls my own age- especially Beady Eyed friend. Things like incredible confidence, poise and class. Absolute incredible silliness interspersed with cerebral insight. A knowledge of the world around, and a comfort in yourself that the world is more damn afraid of you than you are of it.

In the end- I choose Amanda Lang and Kevin O'Leary over Rick Campanelli. (OK- I admit I have no idea who Rick Camparello is- I went to the Much Music site and he was the first name on the personalities list). I choose coffee over Smart Drinks. I choose sushi over burgers and I choose Kenneth Cole over Tommy Hilfiger.

But I still have my poop jokes- I'm never out growing those.


Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like you are aging gracefully.... I only hope that I can deal with my thirties with equal grace... most people I know who crossed the big 3-0 mark are still in denial!

Friday, August 05, 2005 3:59:00 a.m.  

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