Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Silence before the Storm

Ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach of an eerie calm just before the chaos ensues and havoc is wreaked?

Right now- we have no readings.
No projects
No assignments to hand up.

Next week- we have 2 final exams.
The following week we have 4 final exams
Then the following Monday we have one last exam.

So.... I think I might... you know... not blog until I have more free time.

So- I guess I'll have to make this blog 'sode count!

I have decided to take strategic marketing after all next semester.
I am looking forward to the Christmas Party on Friday.
I am looking forward to a nice loooooong 3 week break starting 2 weeks from Monday- with all I have to do is catch up on sleep, DVDs and novel reading, visit with family coming over to Ireland to see me, exercise, see Dublin, finally and finish the Financial Reporting and Principles of Finance assignment due January 9th...

Because the next 3 weeks is probably going to be absolute hell from a time management point of view, and I know I'm going to have to dedicate absolute and total focus to the subjects at hand. And I know that my focus is not optimal right now- so Saturday I'm going to go to lengths to ensure my ability to focus is optimized by taking the day off and going into town for... well... lunch and whatever I feel like! Maybe shopping... Keeping it cheap, of course.

Hmmm..... what in the world can say that's both amusing and insightful about the elections? Isn't it ironic that the Minority government was taken down because the vocal minority is screaming for Liberal Blood to be spilled? I say vocal minority because the majority of Canadians don't care about politics, and frankly I don't know if I can blame them. Voting is not your civic duty- participation in the political process is. The process involves far more than dropping a slip of paper into the cardboard box every 4 years- and the process is not something that Canadians feel works in their interest. They don't see politics as something that benefits them because there is no real interactive process evident. The interactivity is only present on voting day, because first past the post voting method of representation is a corrupted form of democracy. They feel powerless to the decision making process, and the government- administration or institution has done little to ensure the participatory challenges are resolved.

The administration is looking into revamping the process to include representational voice- that's certainly a start.

In the meantime, don't blame people for not caring about Politics. They just feel that Politics doesn't care about them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so are you going to cast your absentee ballot?

Thursday, December 01, 2005 10:47:00 p.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

I have registerred with Elections Canada and will vote for my riding's representative of the party made up of crooks, cheats, power whores and liars that I beleive can manage this country most effectively.

Hee hee hee- power whores.

Friday, December 02, 2005 7:50:00 a.m.  

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