Thursday, November 24, 2005

Stupid Canada

Recently, The Globe and Mail (the preeminent erudite Canadian news daily) started allowing "Comments" on the articles, where readers could publish a critique of the article or issue- pending editorial review.

The Star- another Toronto news daily cancelled it's unmoderated discussion forums a few years back after it evolved into little more than a flame-fest. The Internet is still an imperfect medium for communication. People often approach the superhighway knowing that they are anonymous and, ergo unaccountable and say hyper-critical things without ever dreaming of being held to defend their arguments.

Having said that to put things in context- the Globe & Mail's comments are all devolving into a Liberal bashing fest. Where did all this acrimony for the Liberal party come from? OK- fair enough- the Gomery Inquiry- but calling the Liberals crooks and saying it's time for a change is just stupid because there are no non-crook alternatives available in the Canadian political landscape.

What's more- Canada must be adopting the American approach of blaming the political party and politician for all events, political and apolitical alike. How the hell is "Trusts poised to soar" about how a new tax scheme unveiled to motivate investment in Income Trusts is something to be critical of those "Snivelling Liberals" and "Spineless Socialist"????

What the hell is snivelling anyways?? One who snivels? Snivel- while we're using archaic words- here's a few more:
ragamuffin: One who dresses oddly or funny.
Cad: An uncouth person.
Uncouth: a to act in a cad-like manner.


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