Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Danger in Dublin

Last month there was a spate of riots in Downtown Dublin after a Unionist demonstration marching down the street was blocked by a counter-demonstration by Irish Republicans (Not be confused with U.S. Republicans who incense the world by voting for George W.).

This month- a Sinn-Fein official was tortured and murdered, and it is believed it is politically motivated. Now- Despite being in Ireland and trying my best to keep up- and even getting case studies for class about the subject- I frankly find myself lost confused and totally uninformed of Irish Politics (including Northern Irish, and Anglo-Irish).

All I know is that if riots start getting more frequent and bombs start going off, I'm going to have to move to some place safer... like Basra, Scarborough or Mogadishu.

After my sister inspired me by going all the way to a neighboring town to attend Erev Shabbat services, I decided to finally go find a Dublin shul. I found one, and finally figured out the travel methods using public transport. Even though my sister's shul is much farther from her house, She has a quicker travel time, lower end cost and fewer connections.

I am still very doubtful I can keep Pessach-dikkah this year, but I have kept Sephardic rules for Pessach in the past couple of years (yes grains, no yeast; Yes rice and beans, no pasta or bread)- and as far as a seder goes- I'll just attend two of them next year, like I did last year!


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