Monday, April 10, 2006

Do you understand him?

In Shanghai I got myself a little treat.

I picked up DVD disks at dirt cheap prices. I got 24 season 1-4 and The West Wing Season 1-6. I like watching television while I eat dinner dinner, so I pop in a DVD and watch an episode before getting back to work.

It's interesting how each show illustrates effective management techniques.

With Jack Bauer- he personifies effective delegation techniques. He tells people exactly what he needs, and tells them why when possible. When it's not possible- he always apologizes and tells them why he can't go into details. He then verifies his instructions are clear by asking "Do you understand me?" which has become a catch phrase of his. He always remembers to say please and thank you- and no matter how hairy things get or how little time he has, he only takes it out on his staff if he's undergoing heroin withdrawal.

In the West Wing; Leo (the President's Chief of Staff) always has his office door open to his staff. He has the staff's trust as well as their respect and friendship because he's earned it. He gives others the benefit of the doubt, forgives honest mistakes quickly and challenges people to push the envelope of their own performance by sometimes playing 'bad cop'.

So- I guess it could be argued that the time away from books is productive... maybe I should be watching more TV- It might make me a more effective manager.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear you are watching West Wing. perhaps now you will understand my ardent fandom of that show (especially of the first four seasons).

Sunday, April 23, 2006 9:55:00 a.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

what's next?

Sunday, April 23, 2006 12:12:00 p.m.  

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