Friday, June 10, 2005

Angry Yoga

Yesterday I went to my favorite yoga studio after taking quite a bit of time off yoga classes, and just doing it on my own.

Ohhhhh baby! David R was the teacher- and that man knows his sh-t! After the hour and half yoga class- I felt amazing. I have fallen in love with yoga all over again- and it’s a good thing too.

I’m giving up weights in September, and instead doing rigorous astanga yoga with power yoga variations.

Power yoga seems to have a bad rap with a lot of yogites. I’ve been kicked out of yoga shalas for doing power variations! Shala people! Shalas! The kind with Myosory classes, so it’s not even distracting other students from their practice!

Anyways- That’s the thing that I’ve found about some communities- The Mac community, the yoga community, and in some cases- the MBA community- people are so wrapped up in taking themselves seriously that they become incensed with any deviation from their little esoteric group. They are umbrageous from any divergence and the answer is always black and white- you’re either with them or against them.

I can understand the fundamental motivation- in order to promote group cohesion you need strong identity ties to that group. In this case- people identify themselves as members of this group because of a psychological imperative to associate themselves with a cohesive, esoteric group.

Emile Durkheim spoke of this- but much more destructive ends- in relation to deviant groups.

Now, I’d like to think that I’m a tolerant guy, and an understanding guy who has extensive patience for many stripes of identity, and as my friends can attest- one of my favorite sayings is “Who am I to judge?” but I have to admit it can get a little silly.

Banning me from a school because I like to do reverse plank pose during my warrior salutations, indeed!
Telling me how I’m contributing to the dark ages of information technology because I use an operating system that is industry standard indeed!
Preaching to me how because I’m going to Stanford or Harvard that my MBA is worthless indeed!


So- I’ll keep doing my yoga my way because it’s fun for me. If you don’t want to do it my, you can do it your way. I promise I won’t judge.
Mac is a fine computer system, but I am a PC guy- I have always been a PC and that’s not to say that I won’t switch later on, but right now, I need my MS office with all the great PC functionality, but a scaled down, perverted and hacked Mac answer to it. I also need MS Project, and MS Visio.
While Harvard and Stanford are great schools, I believe that no MBA is worthless. A great deal of the MBA is what you put in. What I want to put into my MBA experience is all my passion and all my efforts, and what I will bring out is formal business education, and a great attitude, so in a way I’ll come out one up on you.

Hmm- you know- some one who just had a great yoga experience- I sure sound awfully morally indignant…


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