Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bad Gyms

What ever you do- Don't join Goodlife Fitness!

My gym is filthy, it is always in disarray- no one is hired to put the weights back, and they just expect the members to do it because they put signs up asking it- meanwhile, it takes people 5 minutes to find specific dumbbells because they are often tucked away at different corners of the gym. This is no way to run a gym. This is no way to run anything!

There are chalk marks everywhere- no one ever cleans it up! It's disgusting.

The music? Cheesy 60's Calypso! Why the can't play typical gym music at a gym is beyond my considerable imagination.

They open late in the morning and although it's a regular request by fellow members to open earlier- the manager doesn't care.

I even once complained and gave critical feedback- all I got was an angry call from the Manager. I got off the phone with her after she called me a horrible person and mean spirited thinking that I would get a call from the Regional manager- but it never came! And nothing changed at the gym!

So- believe me, unless you want frustration aggravation, filthy gyms don't join Goodlife!!!

One thing great about Goodlife Gym is that they finally have promoted promoted decent talent. My friend Mark has gotten promoted to assistant head trainer at a Goodlife (different from the one I attend).


Blogger Unknown said...

Too late! I've already signed my soul away to them!!

I still wish that I would have just joined the YMCA (and then at least I know that my money is going to communities programs) but so far things have been good.

Sunday, July 03, 2005 2:35:00 a.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

I think that Mark's evaluation is bang on. I am convinced that while Goodlife is a good company and has great gyms- the locations I frequent downtown are atypically slummy, grimy, overcrowded and under-equipped.

I guess I'm still sore that they keep pumping money into the Women's only and leave the co-ed consumer with fewer options and worse gyms.

Monday, July 04, 2005 2:06:00 p.m.  

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