Monday, August 29, 2005

Party party party!

I had my going away party this weekend.

It was an unmitigated success!
Although the bloated 14 person roster was culled to 11, and then to 10- group felt complete. Despite 10 people, the gathering was oddly intimate.

Some got to finally meet the Beady Eyed friend that they heard so much about. Others were just impressed that I had so many such nice friends. It's not that they didn't think I had friends- more that all my friends were so nice!

Something that I'd like to think I have is an ability to sniff people out quickly- and I guess I'm a little gratified that my ability results in a group of 10 people who really are absolutely great people- genuine, sweet, intelligent and just for lack of a better term 'cool' not in a Queen West trendy Drake Hotel kinda cool, though... and perhaps that's for the best because usually by the time The Drake gets really hopping- I'm ready to start hopping too.... right into bed (such is the curse of the 5 am wake upper)!

So- not all of my friends could make it for one reason or another, and those friends who weren't there- I'll be sure to see before I leave (in 9 days *GASP*).

More than one person commented- I have so many really interesting, cool and really nice friends, I should have had more dinner parties while I was here.

Maybe when I get back, I'll be the dinner outing guy. 3-4 times a year, pick a restaurant, and have a 10-15 person party- and only cool people are invited.

OK- you can come too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mike, thanks for throwing the wondefullest of wonderful parties. twas a pleasure meeting all of your compadres...please float my digits to the beady eyed wonder and to elliot smelliot.

Monday, August 29, 2005 5:37:00 p.m.  

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