Thursday, September 08, 2005

Over the Atlantic somwhere....

Hey all!
Good news! I have left Toronto safely and enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of Air Canada Business Class. My very friendly seat mate lamented that Air Canada is nothing like Japan Air Business Class, and that’s why AC is going down the tubes! LOL

My last couple of days as a Canadian has been a whirlwind of packing, getting prepared and overall mishigas that comes with moving to a new continent. Let’s start from the beginning.

I left work without a blaze of glory last week. My official last day was on Friday, but I stopped working on Thursday in order to get more errands done.

Friday- I got my haircut and then went to bank and jumped through some last minute hoops for my Student Loan- Very familiar hoops I might add as I was just in there last month doing the same things. I understand- things get lost- so it’s nothing that will raise my Ire.

Saturday I started getting really freaky messages in my laptop. My brand new laptop- like errors and registry trouble. So I did what any overcautious and slightly cagey somewhat technically inclined person would do- I reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled everything! Unfortunately- because I’m only somewhat technically inclined and not a full fledged card carrying techie or geek- I didn’t reinstall- I did a repair job, which actually didn’t fix a thing But I didn’t know it immediately. So there I was reinstalling all my drivers… and then I look in Program Files and see that all my programs are still there- they just aren’t part of the start menu or desktop. And there they were- very pleased with themselves indeed, so much so that if I was as suspicious as the Beady Eyed one- I would say they were mocking me!

Sunday I went for my last Brunch on Queen West at Portobello- wicked grub, dirt cheap and fantastically friendly and genuine atmosphere- very funny and sweet host. And then- for a last latte at BullDog (yes- Pearl- I know you’d be proud).

The Beady Eyed One and I had several last dates. Saturday was supposed to be the last date- but she then asked what I was doing on Monday- I had plans with a friend of mine from the Gym that missed my going away party due to work obligations in Calgary- so she asked if she wanted to hang out during the day. Who was I to say no to the Beady Eyed one? So we had lunch and an ice cream. That evening- I went with my friend to the best and probably the coolest Chinese restaurant in the city. It’s called Kum Jug Yeun and it’s on Spadina a block south of College. Don’t let the ducks hanging in the window and the grubby appearance fool you- the joint is cool because the food is pure ambrosia. I was sharing the best spicy squid in town with my friend when a tall German approached from behind and helped himself to a plump crustacean. “What is this?” Sniffed the scraggly looking young man and popped the morsel into his mouth. “Mmmmm! That’s good!” he said as he chewed. “Uh- Waiter?” I queried as my dining partner looked on in incomprehension. The ruse was taken far enough as I greeted my sister and her tall scraggly German boyfriend!

The next two days were filled with packing and final preparations- including going back to bank one last time. In the end- I was shooting for the Air Canada limit for each bag of 50 Lbs. I came in at around 60-65 Lbs each. This is after all, my entire life stuffed into two bags. My sister warned of exorbitant overweight penalties. Until my father reminded her that he booked me on a Business Class flight. Then she shrugged and said “Oh yeah- they’ll have no problem.” And they didn’t- I got checked in easily and quickly and the very pleasant and helpful check in agent strapped”Overweight” stickers on the baggage with out charging me a single Euro. Huzzah!

So- here I am in mid flight about an hour and half into the flight- and blogging about it. More to come after I land! Night all- I’m going to try to get some sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! what about the *last* "last" date?? huh? huh? forgot about it already eh? hmph. not even a mention of our shmoopie teary sushi goodbye. i'm going to KILL you!

Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:11:00 a.m.  

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