Monday, July 04, 2005

A day in Fairy Tale Land

I asked the The Beady Eyed one if she wanted to leave town for the long weekend for a day trip away from the city. She thought it was a fantastic idea, until she thought about it some more. Then she realized she would rather stay in town, but visit a park, so we went to Edward's Gardens. We traipsed around the park and made our way away from the maddened crowds and fat photographers taking pictures of weeping grooms and fat brides. Almost as if finding a secret magical staircase we stole up hidden steps to the field at the top corner of the park consisting of a huge field with gigantic trees.

We found a very lonely spot and set down the bamboo and the blanket... then came the food.

Cold Cuts!
More Salads!
Fine breads!

Although- we forgot the pate.

We ate until we had our fill and then- surrounded by the perfect tranquility of the park, we basked in the shade of the tree and listened as the silence was broken by the breeze tickling the leaves and the odd bird chirped happily.

The Beady Eyed one put her head on my stomach while I read and I found her quickly snoozing soundly. I soon joined her as we napped in the shade of the giant tree, on the soft grass of the quiet park.


I don't even think Corina had as Romantic a weekend...


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