Friday, January 06, 2006

To Scott or to Jew? As long as it's not finance...

OK- I know I just made a post less then 20 minutes ago- but that was all about my week while my family visited. Here is more about me!

I finished The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime and finished watching 24 yesterday- so today I was faced with a choice. State of Fear by Michael Crichton or The Plot Against America by Phillip Roth.

Crichton or Roth? The Tall Scot or the Perverted Jew? One is famous for his books about Giant Lizards wreaking havoc. The other is famous for his books about Giant boobs wreaking perversion.

One's book was made into a movie about a corporate conspiracy to keep a Wharton MBA from cashing in when his company went IPO due to a product that went to market through his efforts, the other wrote a book about a Liberal Arts College Dean with a Ivy league PhD who conspired to keep his past under wraps through shame of turning his back on his heritage...

One book is a tour de force work met with critical acclaim by reviewers about Terrorists releasing a virus on the population. The other is a Tour de force work met with critical acclaim by reviewers about an Aviator turned President releasing terror through alliances with a disease called Nazism.

I'll read perverted Jew now and leave tall Scott for bedtime reading during the semester.

And I've all but abandoned Swiss banker murder mystery... I think I've reached a satiation point with Finance for now, at least in pleasure reading. Corporate Finance starts a week Thursday, so I better not have reached a point of satiety with finance altogether, or I'll be in big trouble!


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