Thursday, January 26, 2006

AGGGHH! A Erudite!

I watched Land of the Dead the other day. Actually- it was over the course of a couple of days during my supper break. Eating breaks are the only time I am not studying (I am eating breakfast right now)- oh and when I'm exercising...

(Mmmm! Pineapple yogurt!)

George A. Romero is famous for his political or social critical horror films. In Dawn of the dead- the zombies masses all fell over each other to gain entrance to a mall. All of them falling over each other to consume! "Must... get... to GAP.... Chinos on sale... then Pottery Barn... for hundred dollar useless chachkas."

The Land of the dead- the well heeled and privileged had access to Fiddler's Fields- a high rise luxury resort-condo with a decidedly Zombie-Free resident roster- I don't think there were any black residents either... It was several years since people started turning into mindless Zombies, and they were kept outside the town, a town where people lived in less splendor than in the condo. For them- Kabul would be a place to go on a honeymoon (rimshot, please).

Anyways- Horror ensues when zombies start self-actualizing and thinking for themselves... then they take some negotiations courses and are able to talk their way into the town where they then proceed to feast on the inhabitants...

The movie isn't what I wanted to discuss- it's the message I got from it- so just see the movie yourself if you haven't already.

It is my conjecture that the Fiddler Field's residents represent the societal consumer ideal, the zombies questing for this ideal mindlessly represent us (the societal us) in our pursuits for material excess.

Hmmm..... Very profound. Now if you'll excuse me- I have to go eat some brains before class...


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