Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Flame Wars in the Comments box

Stolen from the comments of last week's blog...
I love a good argument.


mom4shelby said...
canada has now officially got the u.s's dick in their mouth. might as well stay where you are.
7:50 PM

Mike said...
I don't think it's as bad as your message conveys you think it is, but it's my conjecture that you don't really think it's that bad either. Canadians didn't vote for an American government- they voted for a more right of centre Canadian Government. While it may smack of Republicanism to some- there are still disparate values that make the US very different from Canada.

Also- what's wrong with being a good neighbor the most powerful and free nation on earth? The war of 1812 is over! Move on! :P
8:24 AM

mom4shelby said...
for some reason canada can't be friends with the states without looking did they refer to us....their retarded cousin. i hate that we are condescended and patted on the head. "there there canada. it's ok. we'll take care of it." my views and opinions may not be rational and teem with juvenile ignorance, however, it remains that i have never been prouder of my political leader when he refused to cow to u.s pressures re: softwood. martin showed some balls. harper will be handed his.
2:23 PM

Mike said...
Katie- your view is not atypical. It's so common, in fact it's addressed in some travel journals.

It's the Canadian US inferiority complex. To be fair- the Irish have the same complex vis a the UK, New Zealand vis a Australia, and Austria vis a Germany. I'm certain anywhere you have two close neighbors- one bigger, more powerful or at least more salient than the other- the inferiority complex forms. Humans by nature are somewhat cabalistic or cliquish. Rivalries are a truism, even among nations with the strongest bonds.
2:42 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a minority government based on 36% of the vote, I don't think the Conservatives can cozy up to Dubya unless the Canadian people & the opposition parties support it. Otherwise, he will end up where Martin is now. If Harper is smart, he knows that his government has limited power, and if he wants to stay in power, he is going to have to be very vigiliant to act on what Canadians want.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:53:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Not Asian. And Harper, he wants power just as much as the next guy. He won't screw it up just when he's grabbed hold of it. Sure, he's champing at the bit, waiting to effect right-wing change, but he's essentially castrated by his own minority's weakness. Never mind fellating the U.S.of A. first he's got to lube up the opposition... hehe... sick. - B

Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:07:00 p.m.  

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