Friday, September 30, 2005

All work and no blood...

The Smurfit Rugby team is the invincible force! So reputable is their glorious victories that when the sign up sheet for the MBA Rugby team was being filled, I couldn't resist the opportunity to put myself in harm's way.

Now I know what you're asking- simply because the Beady Eyed Friend already asked
"What are you thinking signing up for Rugby?? How do you have time for that? You don't have time for that! What the hell is wrong with you????"

And I am very glad you asked- There are a few reasons why I signed up.
1) Networking with my fellow MBA team mates- These guys are not only awesome people who I genuinely like- they're also very powerful networking contacts who I will need a strong relationship with for all of our careers after graduation.
2) I want to see if all of my speed training for running and strength training with weights and yoga actually has any useful purpose.
3) The MBA World Rugby Championships each year at Duke- yes Beady- the Duke University in the States. It will allow me to network with MBA's from other programs through out the world- including programs specifically in Canada- and of course- allow them to network with Irish Lads- and the Tournament isn't until April- so I have all of first semester to pass the hard part of the year.

Go Smurfs!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh but you make me sound like such a tyrant while misquoting me! It's awful misrepresentation. I think what I *actually* said was something like: "Rugby? What do you know about rugby? How do you have TIME for rugby?" which is not really nasty, emphatic, controlling or insane like you make me sound. Hrmph. -Beady

Friday, September 30, 2005 1:18:00 p.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

That's very true. As I was writing, actually- it sounded distinctly like how my grandmother would ask.

Friday, September 30, 2005 2:08:00 p.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

and In answer to your questions:
I know nothing about Rugby but how hard can it be?
Rugby won't require a large time investment at all until the trip to Duke next April which is during break anyways.

Friday, September 30, 2005 2:10:00 p.m.  

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